Stay a Student

We long for our art to take others to new and uncharted places. But the blank canvas looks back at us and says, “No, you must go there first.” 

Part of being a forerunner of the new and not yet is a relentless commitment to see yourself as a student rather than the expert. When we think we have all the answers, we miss the chance to learn, experience new thoughts, or be surprised. When we try to be the smartest person in the room,  our creativity shrinks. That’s because we grow by asking good questions, staying curious, and retaining a sense of childlike wonder. 

That’s why God invites us to ask him to show us all we don’t yet know—and can’t know—without him. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV) 

How do you stay a student? By asking God to reveal more of his creation and creativity to—and through—you. Doing so requires humility, curiosity, and expectancy. It’s a process of fierce intentionality and deep intimacy.  

If you’re stuck or could use fresh insights from an expert, consider booking a creative coaching session with me. Every week, I help writers and artists experience breakthroughs in their creativity. If that’s of interest, just respond to this email. You can find rates and more details at .

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


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