Empty Graduation Speeches

I attended three graduation ceremonies last month. All of them rightly focused on celebrating the accomplishments of the students…but then veered wildly off track with the hollow speeches from each school president and valedictorian.  

These were secular school graduations, so I knew God wouldn’t be the foundation of the talks. But what quickly became apparent was how, once God is removed from the narrative, nothing else makes sense.  

And that’s how it played out. The primary “inspirational” message at each graduation was some version of the following: In our rapidly changing world, we must rapidly change as well. Adaptability is our greatest strength as we accelerate into the unknown. So let’s enter the uncertainty, be true to who we are, and lead boldly. 

In other words, the apparent antidote is to embrace this uncertain world with vague positivity and equal uncertainty. Accept everything yet believe in nothing. Forget the past and reject reality while forging a future in our ever-changing image. It’s a universal “you do you” message on steroids.  

I can’t imagine worse advice. Yet that’s as good as it gets when God is removed from the picture. 

In these lost and uncertain times, we don’t need any more empty graduation speeches. We need more of God.

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