Nothing Surprises Me
The world unravels more every day. What didn’t seem imaginable a few months ago now is the new norm. This used to puzzle me. Now I just look at my wife and say, “Nothing surprises me.”

Screen Faceplants
We spend way too much time staring at the shiny glass screens in our palms. Yep, I’m going there.

Instant Results
When we demand instant results, impatience gets in the way of the eternal.

Tenacious and Gracious
I’ve often been referred to as tenacious. I take that as a high compliment.

Dream Making and Tent Making
Paul penned around half of the New Testament books. He was a man on a mission with God. What could be more important than that?

God Has Prepared You
A close friend recently went through a hard season. We live on opposite ends of the globe, so it wasn’t possible to meet in person. But I did reach out with these words:

Painted Into a Corner
I created The Story of With to be a fantastical allegory—part Alice in Wonderland, part Matrix, and part identity tale. My favorite memory from writing it was God’s playful invitation to increase the stakes for the protagonist named Mia.

What Comes First?
We want the desires of our hearts. But can't start there or our desires become idols.

Your Worldview is Showing
Every person and everything they create—from songs and movies to businesses and universities—operate from a specific worldview.

Destiny Riders
Spend more time with your dreams for the future rather than your regrets of the past.

When Your Creativity Feels Opposed
If your creativity feels opposed, it's helpful to remember the enemy has opposed the Creator and creation since time began.

Blurry Vision
How we see the world is so essential. When God is at the center, our vision is focused. But the farther we get from him, the less we see what’s real. Our vision becomes blurred.

The Leaders We Long For
I grew up believing those in top leadership roles got there through their proven courage, wisdom, humility, and integrity. If only that were true.

Reclaiming Restful Creativity
God doesn’t just know what makes you come alive. He gave you those unique longings and desires…for you to pursue together, with him.