Reclaiming Restful Creativity

God doesn’t just know what makes you come alive. He gave you those unique longings and desires…for you to pursue together, with him.  

When we do, it draws us closer to God as we (through our presence and gifting) bring beauty, light, and hope to this chaotic world. 

Yet if we don’t take time to restore, we grow exhausted and disheartened. When we’re running on empty, we seek relief rather than restoration…which only empties us more. Where we once burned bright, we eventually just burn out. 

That was never God’s design for us. Which is why I’m excited to share my new teaching video with you called Reclaiming Restful Creativity.

I first presented it to storytellers, but the core insights are relevant for all of us who want to pursue our Story (the one we’re living!) and talent from a place of rest and joy. Rest was an essential reality in Eden…and we can reclaim it today. The video concludes with an interactive Q & A explaining more about Eden Rest. 

May this free resource prove a rescue for your heart…and your art.

Want more? Read the first section of The Eden Option for free here. Or order here.


Some Things We Confuse


Completely Unqualified & Fully Ready