Hold On Loosely

Why do we find ourselves stuck in so many areas of life? 

It’s often due to the belief that we can control our lives.  

We want safety and certainty. We want guaranteed results. So we tighten our grip and double down. 

It doesn’t work. 

God offers no guarantees other than his steadfast presence. His invitation is to hold this life loosely. Yes, take it seriously. But also loosen up.  We weren’t made to control the people or events around us. God granted us free will. As messy as that is, it is also beautiful because it is based in love rather than fear. Relationship over rules. Choice over control. 

A larger, wilder story of freedom awaits. But we can only grab hold of it by releasing our illusion of control.

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


What Comes First?


Your Worldview is Showing