Before All Is Well
How would our lives change if we practiced gratitude in the midst of the unknown rather than making it dependent on a desired outcome?

To Be Fully Known & Loved
My counselor is almost eighty years old. He is one of the wisest, kindest, and most alive humans I’ve ever spent time with. During his more than fifty years of counseling thousands, he has seen it all. And he’s certain that the deepest desire of every person is to be fully seen, known, and loved. Most don’t believe this longing will ever be met. Because if anyone ever fully knew their most secret thoughts, they couldn’t be fully loved.

The Search for Home
Have you noticed how in almost every great story, the protagonist is on a search for home? These stories resonate on such a deep level because we too are looking for home.

There Are Always Possibilities
I admit it. I’m a big fan of the classic Star Trek television series and movie franchise. The original ones with William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelly as Captain Kirk, Spock, and Bones.

Uncomplicate Your Creativity
When we feel stuck or find ourselves wrestling with a decision when deep down we already know the answer, it’s a sign we’re making it harder than it has to be.

What’s Causing Your Setbacks?
When facing setbacks, is your first reaction to blame yourself, others, or God?

Who Helped You Get Here?
None of us are where we are today solely because of our own strength, determination, or brilliance. In fact, we’re likely here in spite of all those things.

Find Your Story at These Live Events
"Does my story matter?" That's a question I'm regularly asked by writers. But it's really a question we all ask...about the story we're living. Because unlike movies or novels, our own stories often feel fragmented, random, and unimportant.

Why Good Is Never Good Enough
We love epic tales of good versus evil, whether we’re reading, watching, or writing them.

Your Creative Signature
Creativity is not just something you do. Your art reveals your deepest longings. It tells a story that transcends any one interaction, canvas, or creation. It tells a story about you.

Reclaiming Lost Creativity
When Adam and Eve chose the Tree of Good and Evil over the Tree of Life, so much was lost in creation. They placed more trust in a created tree and created beings—the serpent, their own intelligence, and each other—than the Creator of everything.

Confidently Wandering into Nowhere
We all have a North Star. You may not call it that, but it’s what keeps you on course toward what matters most to you.

What You Can’t Quit Thinking About
Every creative work invites us into something that the artist first experienced or imagined. Knowing this is a good reminder to be careful whose mind you’re spending time in.

The Desert You’re Stuck In
Your desert is made up of the things that derail or defeat you. It is in this stripped away place that our identity either disintegrates or is forged anew.

Weakened by the World’s Enticements
A man recently shared how much of his life had been wasted pursuing “the best of both worlds.” By that, he meant he loved God, but he also loved the pleasures of this world far too much.

Don’t Wait for Guarantees
When we refuse to take risks with God because we don’t fully trust him, we may think we’re playing it safe. We’re actually just trusting our fears and doubts more than we trust God. We’re longing for a life of guaranteed results where no faith is needed.

How to Wrangle Ideas
The very ideas we are waiting on are often already right in front of us. We miss them because we’re too preoccupied wondering when they’ll show up.