Your Creative Signature

Creativity is not just something you do. Your art reveals your deepest longings. It tells a story that transcends any one interaction, canvas, or creation. It tells a story about you.  

But it’s easy to miss this bigger picture—the arc of your art—when you focus only on your current project or this current moment in time.

A better way to understand your creative signature or voice is to pull back and pause. What makes you come alive? What have you been drawn to since childhood? What theme runs through all you do—sometimes clearly and other times in less obvious ways? When you bring all these pieces together, it forms a single mosaic. Together, it reveals the story of your creativity. And it’s worth knowing.

But it’s not just worth knowing. Once you know it, share it. Yes, it’s risky to choose transparency of this kind over formula in your creativity. But it’s so worth it. Because it reveals what God created you to create…as you enter deeper into your story with him.

This reading was crafted to encourage your pursuit of story and creativity with God. Your donation makes this crowd-funded initiative possible. You can support it via PAYPAL (or by check to Allen Arnold at PO Box 62841, Colorado Springs, CO 80962).

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Reclaiming Lost Creativity