Before You Say Yes

Don’t give your “yes” to a project before fully counting the cost.  

Big opportunities are exciting. On the front end, it’s often easier to see the desired outcome than the actual cost of making it happen. Sure, it will require some work…but it won’t be that bad or hard or inconvenient. Before you begin, anything seems possible. You imagine all the stars aligning for a best-case scenario, forgetting you live in a world where little goes according to plan. 

Big projects, especially those that involve others, are rarely a model of efficiency. Don’t believe me? Just think back to your last move, past kitchen remodel, or multi-generation family vacation. 

For the upcoming project you’re considering, it’s wise to double the time and cost you think it will take and know you’re still probably underestimating things. 

That doesn’t mean you should pass on it. But do count the costs on the front end to understand what your “yes” will require. Then ask God first whether you should proceed now, wait until later, or pass.  

But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?  (Luke 14:28 NLT)


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