Making a Living From Your Gifting

There often exists a tension between knowing your gifting and finding a way to make a living from it.  

If the pressure to make your art profitable is draining the life from it (and you), it may be time to find another revenue stream so your art can simply be a stream of enjoyment. 

Want an easy way to add joy to the creative process? Decrease the pressure to prove something while increasing the passion to simply create something. Because the reality is there’s no guarantee of income from your creativity. Those who love to paint may need to build decks to pay the bills. And those who savor deck building may need to paint for income.  

I’m not encouraging you to think less of your art…but rather to think more of it. Pursue it no matter what. 

Yes, we all have to make a living. But at our deepest level, we don't create because we're paid to do so but because we're born to do so.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


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