Joyful Creators

Joy is the missing ingredient in much of our creativity. We feel pressure to create, so we get busy.  

We count words. We measure sales. We chase “likes.” We hit deadlines. 

We do a lot. But often not with a lot of joy.  

And over time, we’ve come to see that as normal. The price to pay if you want to be creative.  

The only problem is the Creator didn’t create that way. He beamed with joy throughout creation. That’s why mountains, oceans, wildflowers, and sunrises bring us such joy. Because they were born from the heart of a joyful Creator. 

Let’s do a simple exercise to rediscover joy. Imagine you’re on a playground. Take a look around. What fills the space? Where do you want to spend time? Sliding down the swirling slide? Swinging high as you kick your feet into the air? Smelling flowers? Laying in the grass counting clouds? Enjoying the breeze in your hair? Smiling at the laughter of others?  

Now pause—do you sense God’s presence on the playground with you?  

He’s there. He gave you the desires of your heart so you can pursue them together. Invite him into whatever it is you are doing. Can you sense his joy? 

While on the playground, notice if any ideas, questions, or longings come to mind. If not, that’s fine. There’s no pressure here. You aren’t trying to solve a scientific equation. Or produce something for others. You’re in a place of play with the Creator. 

How might you incorporate joy from this imaginary playground into your real work space? Here are a few possibilities. Get rid of all stacks of paper, bills, clocks and calendars. Those don’t tend to be on playgrounds. Surround yourself with your favorite colors, photographs, and paintings. Add a candle with a flickering light. Fill a glass with wildflowers or set a seashell on your desk for a touch of nature. Listen to an instrumental soundtrack filled with deep emotion but no words. And pause to notice God’s presence right here—with you—as you create. 

These simple choices will decrease the pressure to prove something and increase the joy of creating something. With God.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


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