Make Chaos Blink

We live in chaotic times. In the midst of the storms, it’s easy to put our creative dreams on hold and just hunker down. Wait for a more ideal time to pursue what makes us come alive. 

Don’t give into that temptation. Instead, do the exact opposite.  

Choose to create something of beauty right now—in the midst of the storm—as an act of defiance. Let it be a beacon of light that rips through this present darkness with a simple message: God is present. Good will win. Hope will prevail.  

Great works of art are often created during the most difficult moments of history. So don't wait for things to calm down. Create defiant works of beauty, life and hope NOW and watch the chaos retreat. 

Chaos didn’t get the first word nor does it get the last. Only God does. When chaos and the Creator come face-to-face, chaos blinks every time. 

Our task is to join God and bring peace, light, beauty, and order to this messed-up world. To choose creation within the chaos.

Eternal art is often born in the midst of great chaos. It isn’t by accident. It is the antidote.

Want more? Order your copy of Chaos Can’t today!


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