Find Your Rhythm

When we try to force our creativity into a predictable routine, the result is often predictable creativity. 

That’s because when we, as the artist, go on auto-pilot, the trip is far more likely to be predictable and forgettable to us…and to everyone who ultimately experiences it. 

Order is good. Schedules are helpful. Keeping a calendar saves me on a daily basis. But rigid predictability can work against us. The goal is to find a rhythm that keeps us both productive and spontaneous.  

Ultimately, would you rather be known as a highly efficient artist or a highly creative artist? Yes, it’s possible to be both. But they both aren’t equal. Efficiency matters little if the art has no eternal spark. 

Find your unique rhythm. The one that brings life to your heart first…and then your art. Make it work for you. But remember, you don't work for it.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


Your Art Can’t Transcend You


Together Is the Point