Why It Didn’t Go Well

This month, we’re looking at risk with kingdom eyes. Understanding the five tenets of risk can lead to immense breakthrough—but only for those who make the shift from knowing about it to practicing it. You can find the readings on the five tenets here(Risk Is Normal & Necessary, Good Risk Pursues the Real, Smart Risk Counts the Cost, Safe Risk Is All In , Risk Is Based in Either Love or Fear ). 

It’s now time to bring all five tenets together in a real-life situation. Consider a recent example of a past risk you took and answer these questions about the experience:

  1. Did you initially see the risk as normal or did you panic and become reactive? What was the result?  

  2. Did you pursue the real or chase the artificial in your risk? How? 

  3. Did you count the costs the way Jesus asks us to—or rush in to solve things on your own? What happened next?  

  4. Were you all in or busy trying to keep all options open? How did that go?  

  5. Were the roots of your risk based in love or fear? How so?  

If the experience went well, this can help you understand why. But if it didn’t go well, these questions can help you get to the root of why. Do you sense it was an unwise or untimely risk? Was your motive more about you or God? Did you enter into it from a place of love or fear? Were the results disappointing or unexpected? How so?

Spending focused time in this exercise will lead to a more examined life, which is an essential quality for anyone serious about understanding the story they find themselves in.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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The Joy That Awaits


Risk Is Based in Either Love or Fear