Good Risk Pursues the Real

We will face risk. We will take risks. That’s why I came up with five tenets of risk to help us understand and navigate risk with God. Which brings us to the next tenet. You can find the first one here (Risk Is Normal & Necessary)..

Tenet 2: Good Risk Pursues the Real; Bad Risk Chases the Artificial

All risk isn’t equal. Good risk involves following God’s lead and his pace. Sometimes this may cause you to wait patiently when you’d rather charge the hill. Other times, you may want a break when God begins to accelerate things. The determination of how well you risked isn’t based solely in the results...but in your motive.

The question is whether we will risk for the real or the artificial. One option involves God’s presence, protection, and providence. The other way leaves us chasing a counterfeit narrative. If you know a lot about God but risk little with or for him, something is wrong. If you run at risk but have no filter between the real and the artificial, you will “fight bravely and die quickly,” as the sage says to his overeager and unprepared student in the movie The Mask of Zorro.

Imagine how different the story in Eden would have been if, after the serpent tried to mislead Adam and Eve, they had simply met with God and asked for his advice. After all, they regularly took walks with him in the cool of the day.

What if they had decided to risk for the real rather than chase the false story? What if we did so, meeting with God to ask his advice before being swayed by the empty promises of the enemy?

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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