Risk is Normal & Necessary

The fact that we’re continually caught off guard when turbulence hits reveals our expectation that each day should go smoothly. We base our schedule on best-case scenarios and then are shocked when anything derails our perfectly laid plans.

A life of risk-free ease sounds nice, but it doesn’t reflect reality. Risk was never meant to be a rare event but a normal and necessary part of life.

Which brings us to our first tenet.

Tenet 1: Risk Is Normal and Necessary

Have you ever noticed that the majority of stories from Scripture involve individuals or groups facing enormous risk…but they don’t seem to be shocked by this. They simply accept risk as part of the fabric of their lives.

We are the ones who have tried to domesticate reality by cutting all risk from it. We want a life of endless do-overs. We prefer low stakes and big results. Like our climate-controlled homes, we demand controllable, comfortable outcomes.

But that’s not how God designed reality to work. Risk is both normal and necessary. We’ll explore more about this first tenet in the next reading.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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When the Stakes Are High


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