The Joy That Awaits

The goal isn’t simply to begin risking more...or less. But to learn how to risk better. Wiser. How to go into each decision with God. To risk for his heart. To be all in. From a place of love. When we do, we begin to risk as Jesus did.

Jesus came in love to rescue us. Through his sacrifice on the cross, he ransomed us from our sins. He defined his mission by quoting from Isaiah 61:1, announcing that his purpose was to heal our broken hearts and set us free. This is the most costly, dangerous, others-focused act the universe has ever seen. It wasn’t simple or easy for Jesus to carry it out. Yet he took on that burden and risked it all in love. Notice that Jesus wasn’t motivated by fear but by the joy that awaited him.

He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards; and now he sits in the place of honor by the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2 TLB)

When we operate out of fear, we often play right into the enemy’s hands, making rash, foolish decisions. Instead, God set the ultimate example of what it looks like to risk in love rather than from fear. That’s the goal. To risk well for what matters most from a place of love, for the joy that awaits.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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