Our Plastic Techno Future

We look at the world and see the wrong ideas and voices gaining momentum while the people and desires of God are mocked and silenced. The trajectory to a plastic, techno future seems unstoppable and inevitable, so we begin to lose hope.

If the subtle pressure to force us to embrace the artificial fails, then we encounter the more strident declaration that this is the future, so stop resisting and get with the program. Which brings us to the fifth and final lie. (You can read the first four lies here: The Artificial Isn’t Real, The Machine Isn’t Neutral, Concerned? Then You’re the Problem, and Progress Isn’t Always Good.)

Lie 5: The Artificial Is the Future; Get Used to It

It’s usually said in a smug way meant to end—and win—the conversation. Because if it’s inevitable, well, what’s the point in discussing it further? If it’s already upon us, just get with the program. So we do.

The logic goes something like this: Well, change is a part of every generation. And when it comes to _____________ (fill in the blank), the genie is already out of the bottle. We’ll never go back, so we just need to accept it. If we don’t, we’re in denial and will become irrelevant.

When it comes to the acceleration of all things artificial at this moment in time, fight the temptation to shrug, sigh, and accept it. Yes, in this second, it is what it is. But only until you pray and bring heaven to earth. There’s no way to know upfront how things will change. But one thing’s for certain: Once you give it to God and follow his lead, no one and nothing will be what it was...including you.

You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. (Proverbs 19:21 NLT)

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