The Machine Isn’t Neutral

We’re in the process of looking at Five Lies of the Artificial. The first lie is that the artificial is real. (If you missed that reading, you can find it here: The Artificial Isn’t Real).

Now it’s time to expose the second lie.

Lie 2: The Machine Is Neutral

The Machine, to me, represents what ultimately happens when the Tree of Knowledge is chosen over the Tree of Life. Since Eden, humanity has believed we can use the Tree of Knowledge for our benefit, cherry-picking what’s helpful while avoiding the obvious bad fruit. It never works. Overconfident, we fancy ourselves wise enough to draw the line between how to use AI for good and when to avoid it. It’s a naïve posture, at best.

The Machine isn’t neutral. Perhaps earlier technology was more so but not today. You are now the product. It is designed to be addictive, intrusive, and intimate. It monitors you far more than you monitor it. If anything, it is making us more like it.

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