Concerned? Then You’re the Problem

I’ve been in countless conversations with those in business and ministry about the issues of the real and the artificial that I’m raising here. Honestly, it makes most people uncomfortable.

Most attempt to defend it, change the topic, or quickly exit the conversation. I think that’s because they have slowly given ground to the artificial in so many areas of their life that it now feels impossible to detach from it.

So anyone who raises concerns is seen as the real problem rather than the Machine itself. Don’t let that surprise you. In fact, expect it. Because it’s the third lie of the artificial. You can find the first two here (The Artificial Isn’t Real and The Machine Isn’t Neutral)

Lie 3: If You’re Concerned, You’re the Problem

On a spiritual level, defying the artificial (in all its forms) will be opposed. The counterfeit has always hated the real.

It is disturbing how many believers allow the artificial to invade their homes and imaginations with so little resistance or discernment. Even more troubling are those who wholeheartedly embrace every technological advance with a welcome sign at their front door.

They have no idea what they’re letting in.

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AI Church Services


The Machine Isn’t Neutral