God Isn’t the Back-Up Plan

When we risk with God rather than in our own strength, he goes with us, before us, and beyond us. Even then, there’s no predictable outcome or guaranteed immediate result to our risk. This is how the kingdom works. And this is how our faith grows. It requires us to hope in things not yet seen. To trust him with outcomes that seem impossible.

Yet there’s something in human nature that loves being the captain of our destiny. We crave our independence, forgetting God made us to depend on him. Or we assume there’s no time to consult with God. Or there’s no need, because we already know the drill and can handle this decision just fine. When this happens, we enter into a risk without God. Whatever our reason or hopes, it becomes more about self and less about God. This always leads to bad risk, regardless of the results. Because when God isn’t part of the process, we end up placing our trust in someone or something else. And before long, we are chasing the artificial and heading for a fall.

God never wants to be our backup or rescue plan. He wants to lead us as our Father. No matter the situation, the risk we take goes from good to bad when we begin chasing after our own self-serving story in our own strength and knowledge. Self-led risk is self-focused, self-serving, and ultimately self-defeating. We resemble Adam and Eve chasing after the Tree of Knowledge rather than pursuing the Tree of Life with God. And we know the fruit of that.

In closing, I’d like to take a risk and ask for your help in keeping these readings flowing and free for everyone. Will you consider making a financial donation today for this crowd-funded kingdom initiative HERE. For all who can, I’m grateful. It matters more than you imagine.

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Smart Risk Counts the Cost


Good Risk Pursues the Real