Four Illuminating Questions

In the last two readings, we’ve looked at the concept of having a true North Star. If you missed those readings, you can find them here: City Slickers Got It Right and Your True Constant.

Bright, shiny possibilities will always vie for our attention and try to gain our loyalty as being most urgent or important. What complicates matters is that some of these people, practices, or things aren’t bad or even distractions. They just aren’t the main thing.

We must seek God above all if we want our lives to make sense. So let’s take a deep breath, pause, and explore four North Star questions. Don’t just skim them. Spend a few minutes with each and see what God reveals through them.

  1. Who or what is your current North Star?

  2. Do you regularly orient your life by this North Star? If so, how has this worked for you?

  3. If God isn’t your current North Star, are you willing to place him above what is?

  4. How does it simplify things to have God as the one true guiding light that everything else rotates around?

We’ve all chased lesser stars, from family and career to pleasure and success. But until we place everything, even good things like our spouse and children, under the main North Star of God, nothing aligns as it should. He alone is our true constant.

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Vanishing Stars


Your True Constant