City Slickers Got It Right

What is your North Star—the one constant everyone and everything else rotates around in your life?

Below are some possibilities.  Circle the top five categories your life currently orbits around. As you do, resist the pull to how you should answer and circle what you actually look to for validation or significance. Without these five, you’d feel untethered or like life has lost its meaning.

* Family * Work * Hobbies * Tradition * Church * Entertainment * Home * Popularity * Community * Security * Beliefs * Pleasure * Success * God * Facts * Science * Creativity * Spouse * Love  * Health * Efficiency * Self * Play * News * Finances * Truth * Story * Other

Now take a deeper cut. Rank the five. They’re all important, but they can’t all be equally important. You need a singular North Star. As Curly says in the movie City Slickers, “You know what the secret to life is? One thing. Just one thing. Once you figure it out, you stick to that.”

Our lives are filled with many things that matter deeply. But we need a North Star. We need the “one thing” that guides us, and everything else falls beneath that.

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Your True Constant


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