Vanishing Stars

When we look up today, there appear to be few stars. It’s as if they’ve dimmed or vanished. As have so many other things in our lives.

Only when we get off the grid do we realize the stars haven’t gone anywhere. The sky is ablaze with their brilliance. They shimmer with beauty and power. The problem isn’t that the stars vanished. It’s the artificial light pollution we have saturated ourselves and our night sky with. We’ve even come to appreciate these shiny distractions that keep populating our lives.

Even so, we can’t help but notice the world continues to grow darker.

The enemy knows the artificial light of endless bright, shiny offerings can blur our vision until we no longer see the real story. Just as we no longer see the stars above us. But that’s an illusion. The stars haven’t vanished. And neither has the story we were created for.

During these dark days, I urge you to keep looking up with expectancy. Refuse to be silent or fade away or become content fumbling in the dark. God’s light always pierces the darkness.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (John 1:5 NLT)

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