Your True Constant

In yesterday’s reading, I asked you to identify your one true north star. If you missed that reading, you can find it here: City Slickers Got It Right

I have no idea which five items you selected or why you prioritized them as you did. But I do know, with absolute certainty, that there’s only one name above all other names on the list.


No other word on the list even comes close. Not a person. Not a country. Not our dreams. Not our security. No matter how much we may want or value or love that person or thing. Because everything else on the list is either created or given to us by God—or offered by the world as an artificial substitute for God.

Every good and perfect gift is from God. But we turn things upside down when we focus more on the gifts than we do on God. Take a moment now to tell God how nothing is more important in your life than your relationship with him. Then let everything else fall into its proper place beneath that.

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Four Illuminating Questions


City Slickers Got It Right