Your Missing Super Powers

Maybe you’re incredibly driven. Or perhaps you struggle with passivity. No matter how you try and deal with life, it likely isn’t working.  At least not mostly. If it was, you wouldn’t find yourself regularly overwhelmed, exhausted, and running on empty.

Even if you can’t put your finger on it, there’s a yearning inside, a sense that there has to be more. That something important has been lost.

I was recently waiting for a friend at a large gathering. Beside me was the Lost and Found bin. A woman walked up, peered in, and sorted through the various items. As she left empty-handed, she quipped, “Just seeing if my super powers were in there.” 

Exactly! Something essential has gone missing. You’ve just been searching for it in the wrong place. 

This is actually good news. It means you’re not crazy for feeling that way. And it gets better. Because what’s lost can be found—once you know where to look for it. 

What if this untapped strength we’ve lost track of is hidden in plain sight? What if the answer lies within our distinct desires, talents, and creativity? 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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