Experience the Fantastic

Explorers and adventurers understand a great truth. In order to experience the fantastic, they have to first put themselves in fantastic places. It is the same for us.

Conversely, if we rely solely on common sense, we experience a common life. 

The last thing we want is more of the status quo. What’s needed is an infusion of the fantastical. A shift into something so beyond our dreams that it could only be seen as miraculous. 

I’m not suggesting you jump off a cliff and ask God to miraculously provide wings as you fall to the ground. That’s not faith. It’s foolishness. What I am encouraging you to do is to let go of your preconceived notions of what is possible and ask God about His dreams for you. They will likely be far bigger than anything you’ve yet imagined. But remember, God will never say anything that goes against what He has already said in Scripture. And especially for large decisions, you want a close circle of strong believers to listen for you as well. 

Once you know God is inviting you into more, you have a choice. You can either run with him or run from him. In those circumstances, the only way to experience a miracle is to put yourself in a position to need one. That is part of stepping into dreams so big that only God can make them come true. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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