Always a Becoming

Madeleine L’Engle was a brilliant writer best known for her novel A Wrinkle in Time. I love her works of fiction, yet it’s her books on art and faith that I find even more fantastical.

In Walking on Water, she notes that we are “always a becoming.”

Think about that. Every day, you’re becoming more or less of who God made you to be.

The Creator of galaxies, oceans, wildflowers, and stallions made you creative. He gave you an imagination. Eyes to see what has never been. A voice to speak things into existence. 

The reason why is astonishing. It's not so you'll get busy doing things for God. But so you'll pursue the very things you love with God. 

That is true creativity. And this is your invitation to experience it as never before.

I’ve designed these posts to be a daily north star for your heart and your art. Each will offer a thought or idea to help light the path forward. A beacon to remind you that your creativity matters more than you imagine.

Your art wants to grow deeper, wilder, truer. It's just waiting for you to go first. This is a journey best taken one thought at a time. The goal isn't to get somewhere fast. But to become more fully you along the way.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


Your Missing Super Powers
