Your Knee Will Bow

The world wears us out. This isn’t accidental. We are shells of who we once were, our souls numbed as if we’re on some universal Novocain.

As our resolve weakens, we do the unthinkable. We willingly give our allegiance to someone or something for the promise of immediate safety or relief. We bow the knee. Especially when we forget that everything has roots tied to one of two trees that reflect one of two kingdoms.

While in my front yard recently, I heard the enemy’s voice. It startled me as it seemed to come from nowhere. I will break you, he whispered. You will bow your knee to me.  I leaned into God and immediately and defiantly declared otherwise. That I would only bow my knee to God. Period.

In this life, we will give our allegiance to someone or something. The only question is who or what. Every single option besides God will lead to disaster. Because they represent an artificial master or a created being.

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