Your Creative Core

If you’re creating in your own strength or seeking validation from success, then you’ve placed yourself at the center of your creativity.  

If that’s the case, there’s no shame in naming it. But it would be a shame to remain there. It’s a really small playground, limited to the size of you. More importantly, it’s not how God designed you—or this life—to work.  

We were made to actively create with the Creator. That’s why God introduces himself as Creator in the first sentence of Scripture. He’s revealing a key aspect of who he is... and who we are. He is our Creator. We have his DNA within us. It’s an invitation to never create alone again. 

Yet we treat that mostly as an ideal. It’s a lovely thought, but not practical. So we get busy doing more things for God rather than with him. We spend more time promoting our work than pursuing God’s presence. We grow more fascinated with our interests than with the Creator. Even if outward success is achieved through self-effort, it never satisfies the soul. The fruits are exhaustion, isolation, and emptiness. True success simply comes down to this—did you pursue what you love with God? 

So let’s make this practical.  

What is at the core of your creativity? Is it self—or is God at the center of your life, your heart, and your art?  It’s not just an interesting idea to ponder. It’s a choice from which everything else flows.

Want More? Order your copy of The Story of With here.


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