The Unwritten Rules

I recently drove by an outdoor church sign that had this interesting message: 

The Two Unwritten Rules of Life:


Yep, they left the unwritten rules…unwritten. It made me smile. And it caused me to wonder about my own unwritten rules. Because we all have them. Some we’re aware of. Most we’re totally oblivious to. Their impact is toxic because—whether we know it or not—they tank our hearts and our art.  

Here are just a few possibilities:

  • There’s never enough time to pursue my creativity

  • God won’t come through. If something’s going to happen, it’s up to me.

  • I’m irrelevant and have nothing unique to say.

  • I have to play by the world’s rules if I want to succeed.

What unwritten rules are holding back your creativity? Take time right now to name them. Then renounce them out loud. Or write them on a piece of paper and shred it. 

It’s helpful to remember these lies didn’t come from God, but from the world, our past, and the enemy.  

God is happy to exchange our unwritten rules for his unwavering presence. All we have to do is ask.

Want More? Order your copy of The Story of With here.


Your Creative Core


Your Creative Core