You Need Others

We need relationship with God. And we need relationship with others.

Settling for one of the two is less than what we were created for.

That’s why Scripture tells us loving God and loving others are the highest priorities of our lives (Mark 12:29).

In this journey of pursuing our creativity with the Creator, it’s essential we don’t come to think the only time we need others is to help us reach our goals or buy what we made so we can then get back to our studios and start creating with God.

Others are meant to be part of our creative journey. And we are meant to be part of theirs.

And doing so is beautifully messy. Because we all are messy and complicated and needy beings. The value isn’t efficiency but relational. Our hearts will soar when we surround ourselves with like-minded kindred spirits from a variety of backgrounds. There is incredible ideation and energy that occurs when songwriters mingle with chefs. Architects gather with poets. And teachers share a meal with storytellers. A community is formed that doesn’t compete but that feeds off one another and helps dreams fly higher. I’m talking about a small fellowship of friends who, depending on the moment, have permission to lift us up or pull us back down to earth. To rejoice or weep with us. Sometimes with helpful words; sometimes in holy silence.

You need a group like that and they need you. Because there’s more to your Story than you and God. There’s also you and others.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story Of With Today!


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