Feast of the Brave

Imagine being at a rooftop party where you’re participating in an amazing celebration of freedom and creativity. But you aren’t just an observer or random attendee.

Your presence enhances the event.

You don’t just have a place at the table. A chair has been crafted that is the perfect fit, with your name carved into it. Those seated next to you are the very people you most want to spend time with. And your favorite meal is being prepared just for you in the kitchen.

That is the Feast of the Brave. A place to fast from tips and techniques as you feast with God and others. It is state of mind that knows God’s presence never wavers—whether in times of wonder or wilderness.

In a world driven by scarcity, that may sound too good to be true. The enemy wants us to believe that God only offers crumbs. The Creator crumbles that lie as he satisfies our every desire with a feast of abundance. He invites us to the table, not as servants or waiters, but as part of the community. Even more, as family. Our names are permanently engraved on the chairs because the invitation is not conditional. It is based on his unconditional love for us.

There is nothing we can do to lose our place at the table . . . or earn a better one.

But we will miss this fellowship if we don’t frequent the table.

God invites you to come to the table daily. Whether large or small, these are the meals and conversations that will satisfy your creative soul’s hunger for more.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story Of With Today!


Everything isn’t Equal


You Need Others