You Can’t Do It All

A creative's time is best spent on their creative gifting.  

The trouble happens when we try to do everything ourselves. 

That’s not how God created us…or this world.

No one can do it all.  

No one is great at everything. 

But someone is great at the very thing you’d give anything to avoid. 

For parts of the creative process that drain or distract you—or are simply beyond you—consider hiring others who excel at them. The cost may be less than you think. Especially when you consider the time it saves you to spend more of on what you love. Or God may want to supernaturally provide the funds…once you have enough faith to take the first step forward.  

If money’s tight, try and trade skills. Web designers, videographers, copywriters, photographers, musicians all have something they need…and something to offer. 

In the very place you feel stuck, there is someone capable of helping. That you have no idea how to find them isn’t a problem. Perhaps they are also looking for someone with your skills at this very moment. So don’t call it impossible. Call instead on the God of the impossible.

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”  (Matthew 19:26 NLT)

Everything rises when everyone has time to do what they do best.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity Today!


The One Thing


Never Completely Ready