The One Thing

It's human nature to think the one thing we lack is what’s holding us back.   

If only we had more ______, all would be well.  

More time. More followers. More money. More success. A more supportive family.  

Yet the very people who already have that one thing know it isn't the game changer.  

Pause and let that sink in.  

No matter what we hold up in our minds as the magic elixir, it isn’t. There is no one thing. The person with exactly what you want right now is chasing after something else…what you already have. 

So stop waiting for what you don’t have.  

Start where you are. With what God has given have.  

That’s more than enough.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity Today!


Writer Kryptonite


You Can’t Do It All