You Are Creative

Could the God of all Creation have placed inside us, before we were even born, a homing device that ultimately would lead us back to him? In other words, could the one thing we’re most passionate about and skilled at doing also reveal the way to more life, love, and creativity? 

That’s not what the world teaches us. From childhood, it seems the message is that creativity is rare and reserved for the elite few. While it would be nice if everyone possessed a unique ability or talent, we’re told that most folks didn’t receive that secret sauce at birth. 

But what if we did? What if you did?

For the moment, simply reorient yourself to this truth. You. Are. Creative. 

Perhaps this doesn’t feel true. Maybe you’ve not yet experienced this reality. Or you’ve been met with rejection when you shared your unique talents with others. 

Regardless, you are creative. 

How could it be otherwise? Your bloodline traces back beyond your parents. The DNA of the Creator pulses through you. And the One who created sunsets, oceans, stars, and laughter cannot create something that doesn’t have his eternal spark within it. He does not make generically creative beings. He wove into each of us a specific set of interests, passions, and curiosity—which holds clues to our greater destiny and our truer selves.

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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