Stepping Into Story

Some stories offer a way to unplug from reality. Yet the better stories usher us into a deeper reality. These kinds of stories rip a seam in the atmosphere so that the unseen starts to become visible. Think of it as a portal that provides a glimpse of God and His kingdom. Much like the parables of Jesus did. 

The key is to remember that our life is a story. It is not a page of polished dates and facts, laid out like a resume, but a series of unexpected twists, deep emotion, unspeakable tragedy, and beautiful triumphs. 

We have few hints as to what’s coming next when we step into our Story most mornings. Whatever we encounter, there are no do-overs or jumping ahead. We must simply live each moment as it comes. 

The only question is whether we’re looking for our Father and his interpretation of events along the way. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


You Are Creative


A Shortcut to the Heart