Chasing Approval Over Dreams

Perhaps you have been told you aren’t creative so much that you’ve started to believe it.

Doing so has enormous consequences…none of which are good. It denies how the Creator made you. It diminishes your specific gifting. And it closes a door to a future shaped by what you were born to bring into existence through your unique presence and talents. 

Some of our dreams have been met with disinterest. Others with applause. Outwardly, these responses appear to be on opposite ends of the spectrum, yet both have the same foundation. They are tethered to human validation. 

Over time, we begin to chase the approval of others rather than our original dreams. We accept the verdict of others more than the invitation from the Creator.

To counter this pull, you have to go back to why you were given your gifts in the first place. It wasn’t to win the approval of others. Your specific interests and talents are actually more powerful than that. They offer a gateway to discover your truer identity. And an entirely new way to pursue your dreams. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


Our Creativity Draws Us to God


You Are Creative