What Most Threatens Groupthink

We are expected to take our cues from social media, blindly embracing whatever agenda the entertainment, business, educational, and political leaders tell us is important. It’s full-on indoctrination that demands full allegiance to an upside-down world where wrong is right, evil is good, and false is held up as true. Veer from that script and your voice will be mocked or silenced.

But the opposite is actually true. What most threatens groupthink are those who refuse to bow the knee to the idols of our age. When we walk with God, our lives and our creativity is illuminated with an eternal spark that exposes the lies of the hive mentality. Perhaps that’s why so many prominent gatekeepers of modern culture hate independent minds. They oppose those who see without first being told how to see. They seek to silence those who ask questions or reach conclusions that don’t support their predefined script. But mostly, they hate those who create life, beauty, and order with the Creator.

Do so anyway. The world may have a big microphone, but it has little to say. Loud doesn’t make something worth listening to. In the midst of constant distraction, practice turning down the noise and tuning in to what matters most.

One last thought. If today’s reading resonated, take a moment now to email or share it with a fellow creative, friend or family member who could use the encouragement.

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