Waiting on the Next Narnia

Where are the modern prophets, poets, and storytellers for today’s world? It’s a really good question. The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings novels have stood the test of time…but it’s been almost 70 years since those series were completed. Where are the new stories that we can place on the shelf next to these classics?

Many want to write them, but they haven't succeeded. I think that’s because writers have to first live the kind of lives that C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien did before they try to write the kind of stories they did. What was true for them remains true for us. We can’t tell a better story than the one we’re living.

And our batting average isn’t good on that front. Too many of today’s Christian speakers, writers, and artists are playing it safe in their lives. That spills over into their art, as they offer variations of what’s already been done rather than risking something new with God. Perhaps that’s why so many movies, novels, songs, and shows are so forgettable. Because we’ve seen or read them so many times before.

Rather than wait for others to create those stories and songs, step into the void with God and do what’s never been done before. We need bold Christian innovators who are all in with God and whose ideas fill us with faith, hope, and courage. Live it first. Then invite us there through your art.

One last thought. If today’s reading resonated, take a moment now to email or share it with a fellow creative, friend or family member who could use the encouragement.

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