What Fish Can’t See

If God weaves specific talents into each of us, the question is why? What is his motive? I believe he gives each of us a particular calling so he can then spend time with us on that unique playground. This is a way for you and God to get to know each other better as you create together. 

Yet clearly something is missing. Because what I just described isn’t the way most people pursue their gifting or dreams. 

The problem comes when we limit what’s possible to what’s probable. The first step in seeing with new eyes is to let go of the belief that our current reality is the only reality. 

How would you explain the ocean to a goldfish still in his bowl? He was born in a small container with invisible glass walls that define—and limit—his potential. He’s a captive who thinks he is free. Swimming circles in his small world has led to small dreams. He thinks the best he can hope for is a bigger bowl when what he needs are bigger dreams. 

Because an ocean awaits. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


Don’t Let the World Define You


Our Creativity Draws Us to God