Our Creativity Draws Us to God

For much of my life, I felt like I didn’t quite fit in. No one shared my interests or understood my dreams. But then I discovered a small group of kindred spirits passionately pursuing the very things that made me come alive. In the process, my heart began to reawaken. 

We can’t be fully present to God or others if our hearts have flat-lined. That’s why Scripture (Proverbs 4:23) tells us nothing is more important than protecting our hearts. How is your heart doing at this moment? Are you aware of the things you do each day that either numb or nurture your heart? If you can’t name specific ways you are taking care of your heart, then it is probably in need of attention. 

What if our deepest desires, the very things that make our hearts come alive, actually serve as a source code that draws us to God? I believe God instills a unique set of interests and talent within each of us, knowing the more we pursue them, the more we encounter him. God creates a world of wonder and then places a corresponding wonder in each of us. Imagine it. The very things in life that we’re drawn to were made for us.  

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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