Don’t Let the World Define You

What would you see if you could stand outside your current circumstances? Stated another way, who would you be if the world didn’t tell you who you are? 

Though few live from this space, it is possible to walk through each day with a sense of knowing who you are and how that identity connects you to the most important desires, people, and events of your life. You can experience a sense of expectancy in the midst of interruptions, knowing the unplanned can lead to something better than anything you could have planned. Imagine stepping into your relationships and creativity with a power that isn’t limited to your solutions or strength? 

This is the opposite of what we’ve been taught since childhood. As children, we naturally gravitated to what brought us joy. But as we grew, we discovered that the way to get ahead was to do what the world (or those we loved) applauded. So we began to pursue our relationships and work according to this matrix. Yet, we eventually realized that something about this approach was wrong. Because the more we based our worth on what we did, the less we became. We shifted from the overachiever to the overwhelmed. Though this cycle may define your world, it doesn’t have to remain your world. 

There is a better way. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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