Under Construction

My high school senior and I were having a hard night at home. I’d gotten us tickets to a movie for some father / son time together. But things were quickly derailing. 

He had a few chores to do before we left but was stalling and complaining. I could feel my heart tanking. By the time the chores were finally done, so was I. Everything in me wanted to call the plans off. 

Yet I sensed God’s nudge to not lose this time together. We got in the car and drove in silence. We had to park further out than normal due to construction. Bright orange cones and signs directed our path down a side alley between buildings as we walked to the theatre. Still in silence. 

My heart sighed. Jesus, rescue this night. 

We turned a corner to a sign that read: Construction Underway. Look Up. 

Five stories above, two steel beams were held by a crane. They were lit…and together formed the shape of a cross.  

A few feet later, another sign: Work In Process. Proceed with Care.  

Yep, I smiled. I need patience. My son is a work in process. 

I sensed Jesus smile back. “You both are.” 

I gently put my arm on his shoulder. “I’m glad we’re here, Grey. It’s gonna be okay,”  

And we walked forward together, two works in process.

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