Your Art Doesn’t Make You

When you give anyone or anything other than God the power to validate your creativity, you set yourself up for striving and disappointment. And you put a burden on your art that it was never meant to carry. 

Your art doesn't make you. You make your art.  

Your art doesn’t validate you. Only God has the power to do that. 

Rejection of your art may mean that person or group just doesn't get it. Or perhaps wasn't who God chose to carry it forward. On the other hand, maybe your vision or craft needs a lot more work. The right posture is one of both hope (for what's to come) and humility (for what you can learn). 

Your creations are only as free as you are. When you discover your truest identity, people and projects lose their power to validate, limit, or define you. 

In a culture where everyone is a critic, it’s easy to lose heart. Creating something new is a hard, risky, vulnerable endeavor. But rather than wait for others to validate (or invalidate) your art, aim higher. Ask God what He thinks of your gifting, listen, and believe it. There is no truer or more meaningful validation than that.  

When the world diminishes, God replenishes. Spend more time with the God of the possible than those who tell you what's impossible. 

Your gifting becomes a burden when you expect it to validate you or pay all the bills. So try playing it different going forward.

Release all expectations.

Remember your gifts come from God.  

Enter into the simple joy of creating again...with him. 

Stay expectant for what comes next. 

Create and repeat daily.

Want more? Order your copy of Waves of Creativity today!


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The Canvas as a Mirror