Today’s Tree of Knowledge

The core issue in our walk with God is always the battle for intimacy. Will we choose God to fill all our desires…or look to someone or something else? 

In Eden, the wrong tree was chosen. And we continue to choose it in new ways today. Of course, we always have a reason for doing so. Adam and Eve had their reasons too.  

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (at least by the name) apparently offered some “good” with the evil. The problem is good without God is never enough.  

Nor is just believing in God enough. Adam and Eve believed in God both before and after the fall. But they also believed God was holding out on them. So they chose knowledge and power without God rather than wisdom and intimacy with God. 

Without question, that age-old battle is heating up in new ways yet anchored in ancient themes. Humanity continues to choose and embrace the wrong tree today. This time with roots made of cables and tech and data and bits of knowledge. Ironically, we still believe in God even as  we choose it over him. 

It has to stop. No matter the cost, we must choose the Tree of Life. We must want God over all. No negotiations, compromises, or rationalizations. Only then can we rest in this: I see that the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. (Acts 2:25 NLT)  

Order your copy of The Eden Option here.


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