More Rapids Than Lazy River

To navigate this broken world, it’s essential to recognize the times we’re living in. That may sound obvious…but it isn’t our normal practice.  

We enter most days as if we’re floating down a lazy river with an umbrella drink in hand. When unexpected turbulence hits, we’re shocked. But rather than re-evaluate the water and our readiness, we just stabilize our inner tube and float on. 

At best, that’s being completely naïve. At worst, it’s a path to irrelevance and disaster. 

I’m actually taking a whitewater rafting trip today with family and friends. I hired a guide. We have the right equipment. We know this isn’t going to be a lazy river experience but a wild rapids adventure.  

It’s the same with this moment in history. It’s far more rapids than lazy rivers. We don’t have to like that. We can wish it were different. But if we choose comfort in a world at war, we won’t survive for long.  

It’s time to exchange the illusion of the lazy river for the reality of the coming rapids. Jesus is your guide. And he will see you through the roughest waters. As he says: In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 NIV)

Order your copy of Chaos Can’t here.


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