The Two Realms

What if all that has held you back isn’t your fault? What if you’re simply living in the wrong realm? We all spend our lives in one of two places. We can’t alternate from one to the other, like trying on a new pair of clothes. The two are actually in fierce opposition to each other. 

Your realm is the place where you exist. It colors how you interpret everything about your life. It’s your outlook or perspective. It affects how you see yourself and how others feel when they are around you. It influences what you pursue and what pursues you. It has a huge impact on your identity and your imagination. Each realm even has its own language of bondage or freedom. 

In the first realm, we live and pursue life as if it were all up to us. Those there may know about God but miss life with him. It is a place of doing more—because we’re evaluated on what we do. I call this tragic place the Orphan Realm. 

Living with a dependence on God and not on yourself is only available in the second realm—a place where we pursue our life, love, and creativity with God. It is a place of being more—because of an assurance of who we are. I’ve named this the Freedom Realm. 

We’ll discover more about these two realms in the readings that follow. 

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The Orphan Realm


The End of Our Understanding