The End of Our Understanding

Aiming for what’s possible in your own strength sets the bar way too low. Why be limited by your current abilities? Simply achieving what’s possible is, well, boring. Congratulations for doing what you already knew you could do. Yet we’re often more comfortable deciding next steps based on our evaluation of options from a well-reasoned pros and cons list. 

What if we instead pursued what the world calls impossible? God often draws us into places that lead to the end of our understanding. 

Every hero’s journey, including ours, reaches that moment when we either cling to the known or move into mystery. Both options involve risk and danger. But new pieces of the puzzle are only revealed as we brave the journey and step into the “not yet.” 

We think we are looking for answers. We’re actually searching for something far greater . . . our true home. 

Want more?  Order your copy of The Story of With today!


The Two Realms


Into the Unknown