The Orphan Realm

When in the Orphan Realm, you believe you’re alone and that life is totally up to you. It describes how you approach life—and the state of your heart. That’s why it’s possible to be stuck in this place even when surrounded by a loving family or caring friends. 

In this realm, a person’s worth is based on what he or she does. How you perform is what matters. 

You don’t automatically have a place at the table. You earn it every day. After all, God gave you a mind and a body. Now get busy and make things happen. Because it is all up to you. If you fail, you are a failure. If you succeed, you are a performer who needs to produce even more next time. You can’t even unplug for an occasional vacation, because if you aren’t reachable then you may become disposable. 

These beliefs run so deep, it’s as if they’re tattooed on our souls. We’ll examine the traits of those living in the Orphan Realm in our next reading. 

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Scarcity and Striving


The Two Realms