The Story of With

I have a life verse. It isn’t tattooed on my body, but it is on my heart.

“Stay with God.
Take Heart; Don’t Quit.
I’ll say it again, Stay with God!”
(Psalm 27:14 MSG)   

This is what it all comes down to—staying with God, awakening our hearts, and not giving up. Notice that one of the commands is repeated. I think the psalmist starts and ends with these three words— Stay with God—because nothing is more essential.

The foundation of our entire journey can be summed up in one word. “With.”

We will either do life with or without God. Nothing matters more than remembering this. Unfortunately, nothing is easier for us to forget when the next shiny distraction appears. As the prophet Isaiah says: We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost. We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way. (Isaiah 53:6 MSG)

So the psalmist reminds us of what matters most. Stay with God. Awaken Your Heart. Don’t Quit.

When we embrace life with God, we will never again do life on our own. We trade isolation for fellowship. We replace our small story with God’s larger Story. 

This is the invitation. This is the story of with.

Want more? Order your copy of The Story of With today!


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